Common Symptoms



Ankle and foot pain is the most common symptom associated with plantar fasciitis (heel pain) and ankle sprains. The foot pain occurring with plantar fasciitis is usually sharp and occurs during the first few steps after sleeping or resting. This is because foot and heel tissue (fascia) contracts when at rest. When this contraction is stretched, pain develops. However, once the tissue (fascia) is stretched, the pain diminishes. Thus, the foot pain normally disappears after a few steps. The pain of an ankle sprain is usually very sharp and almost nauseating. Ankle sprains are also associated with swelling and bruising. The most common location of ankle sprain pain is on the outside (lateral) part of the ankle. Usually, the pain is decreased with time, rest, ice compression, and elevation. However, if the pain is extreme and continues for over 48 hours, one should see a physician.


A feeling of pins and needles around the foot and ankle may indicate a disease with the nerves. Such problems can be related to diabetes, vascular disease or physical compression of the nerves. The compression of nerves may be located in different areas of the body, including the spine. Numbness on the outside or top of the foot may be due to the compression of a nerve in the lower back or around the knee. Numbness on the inside or bottom of the foot can be due to a compression of the nerve around the inside of the ankle. This is due to compression of the nerve traveling through an area of fibrous tissue called the tarsal tunnel. This is very similar to carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist. If there is severe swelling in the leg, ankle or foot, this can cause serious damage to all of the surrounding tissue including the nerves. If you are experiencing foot pain, tightness, or swelling, see an ankle doctor immediately. Also, you experience numbness that is not improving, see a physician for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Instability (Giving Way)

A feeling of instability or giving way to the foot and/or ankle after one or multiple injuries may mean that ligaments are torn. Feelings of instability may be worse when walking on uneven surfaces such as grass or stairs. Some instability is normal after a minor sprain, especially in the early phases of recovery. People with recurrent (chronic) ankle sprains complain of instability on a long-term basis. If instability and foot pain continues, this should be reported to a physician.


Popping of the ankle or feet without any associated ankle or foot pain is usually normal. The cracking you hear when moving around quietly in the morning is just the snapping and stretching of the tissue lining the joints. However, if a tendon is snapping over one of your ankle bones when making quick motions or descending stairs, this may indicate a condition called subluxation or dislocation of the tendons. A subluxation is when tendons jump out of their normal position and then move back. A dislocation is when these tendons move out and may have to actually be pushed back into place. A patient may also experience pain, and instability of the ankle. Some people with chronic ankle sprains complain of popping in their ankles. If these symptoms are present, please contact a physician.


Stiffness can occur with ankle sprains, arthritis, and plantar fasciitis. Usually, the stiffness occurs after resting the foot and ankle. The stiffness is usually temporary and will start to diminish with exercise, proper shoe wear, weight loss, and time. However, if stiffness continues despite simple efforts to treat this symptom, one should contact a physician.


Swelling is common after an injury, such as an ankle sprain. Sometimes, swelling can be severe and last a long time. People with recurrent ankle sprains can experience swelling that is mild. Sometimes, swelling can be caused by problems not related to the ankles at all, such as heart problems or blood clots further up the legs. For this reason, your doctor should evaluate persistent swelling.
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